Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The Impaler Burns Muslim Prayer Mat
While burning the mat, Jonathon stated to the camera filming it, that since the Muslim people like burning American flags, it is time an American burns something sacred of theirs.
Jonathon went on to say, "this is now a Holy War between Satanists and Muslims."
Immediately following the burning, Jonathon ordered his Death Dealers and his LDD on high alert, in hopes that Muslims would attack him.
Last night a member of COS called Jonathon to make sure he had enough protection against any Muslim attackers.
Anyone wish to speak to Jonathon about his burning of the prayer mat, may call his New Jersey Campaign Headquarters at: 732-644-0071.
The Impaler For President Campaign
I Will Just kill You...
Greetings My Fellow Americans,
I am known throughout this world as a Satanic Vampyre and Hecate Witch. All three of these parts of me, are to be respected and feared.
The other night a certain bitch decided he weanted to fuck with me. Well, unfortunately I spoke to a Federal Attorney from the Indianapolis District Court about him and the matter. Now I wish I didn't. I rather just hunt him down, and kill him. But, since I went to the feds first, it would be too obvious if he came up missing.
So may this be taken as a warning and a declaration. If anyone esle ever pisses me off and tries to take advantage of me (or screw me over), I swear by Lucifer, I will not call Secret Service or any law enforcement agencies. I will just beat, torture and then kill you. I promise you, your remains will never be found. Actually, there will be no remains to be found.
And to the Muslim world, like I said while I was burning the prayer mat of one of your Muslims, I declare a Holy War on you. This is now a Satanic Holy War.
Hail Lucifer and Dark Blessing from the Goddess Hecate.
Nel Sangue,
Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey
Monday, November 12, 2007
Get Ready People of LA and Phoenix...

To the great people of LA and Phoenix, you better get ready. The American Vampyre is on his way to you!
I will be in Brunswick, Ohio on Wednesday - 14 Nov 07, then I am being flown to LA on 19 Nov 07. After spending 3-days in LA, filming a news documentary filmed about me by German TV ( ), I am being flown to Phoenix, for a three week stay there.
I hope all the great Vampyres/Witches/Satanists in the Phoenix area will show up at Phase 54, and rock the night away with me on the 1st and 8th of December. I am of course hoping that every American will take the opportunity to meet me at Phase 54, so I can explain my plans for a better America.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Impaler In Concert

Now that my first album/CD is a wrap, it is time to perform. I am in the processes of arranging dates to perform in the following places:
New Jersey late November.
Phoenix, Arizona early December. It will be a fundraiser for my campaign. I hope a female friend of mine from Phoenix will sing the female part of Meranda.
Minneapolis and Rochester, Minnesota - mid December.
Atlanta, Georgia - early/mid January 2008.
Other shows are in the works. It is my hope that starting in January 2008 my band can perform with me. Until then, I will be performing solo with back up bands.
I am presently negotiating with a major guitar company to become one of their Artist Endorsement Performers, and get a few their great Flying V guitars, which I will use on stage. I am suppose to hear from them this week.
I will be posting my interview at The White House this week on my music and Presidential pages on MySpace.
Please check out my music page - and read the lyrics to; "A Dream Turned To Ashes," and leave me your thoughts.
Nel Sangue,
Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey
I Have A New VIT

I am happy to announce I have a NEW VIT! She goes by the name of; Vampire Angel. She 's 18 (according to her), and has caught my eye.
Angel wants to become a Creature of The Night! After Spree's actions towards me last year, especially after I brought her across, I was concerned about bringing another mortal who has caught my eye across. However, after speaking with my "Seer," her and I agreed on the date of bringing Angel to our world.
Between now and then, I will inform Angel of our ways, and make sure she is able to handle her new life to be.
To me, she is HOTT and I want her. She is a SMARTA$$ and this poses a problem. Like Scar in The Lion King, I am just letting Angel have her fun like he did with the mouse. However, when I have had enough, like Scar did, I will pick her up, and show her my "FANGS" and hopefully she'll get the point.
Granted, I am the biggest SMARTA$$ Vampyre in the community. So, I can't have my VIT, show me up too much now. Can I?
I await the day, Angel crosses Kat's path. This will be good. As most of you know, I am getting a house made right now the street from Kat's Condo. Talk about two people being within firing range of each other. I am sure Kat will stay true to her reputation along with demeanor, and test Angel.
The one thing Angel seriously needs to do, is change her profile a little bit. After all, she's about to become a new creature of the night. Her page and profile should show this.
As my usual, I will bring her across via the 3 step method. The first step/bite I am uncertain about the date. The second one, I hope will be on a very special occasion -
Winter Solstice
Sat., Dec. 22, 2007, 1:08 A.M. EST
This date holds a special meaning to me. Let's see if I can now make it a happy day, instead of a day of bad memories.
The third and final bite will be again on a special and powerful night.
This is all in Angel's hands. As you all know, I have a low tolerance to someone who throws daggers at me. I may take a few, but only if the person has my heart.
I am lobbying those in the Vampyre Community to accept Angel as a future member of our Kindred.
Nel Sangue,
Jonathon "The Impaler"
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A Vampyre Sings Elvis Love Songs

September 25, 2007
New York City
VWP Party 2008 Presidential Candidate Jonathon “The Impaler” Sharkey is presently recording his first album for Sang Vamp Records. The album – “A Vampyre Sings Elvis Love Songs” will be released in mid-November 2007.
The album will consist of 13 love songs performed by Elvis Presley. To hear the some of the songs already recorded, please click on this link:
In late November 2007, Jonathon and his band will return to the studio to record original music written by Jonathon. One of the songs is a ballot entitled Meranda. This song was written for and inspired by Jonathon’s beloved Meranda. The second album will be entitled; “Once Bitten.”
This Monday, October 1, 2007 a story about Jonathon will appear in Weird NJ issue #29. Additionally, on October 5, 2007 Jonathon will be doing an interview at The White House, and will be unveiling his “new” Impaling Stake. That night Jonathon will be at a Washington, DC theater for a Q & A session regarding the movie documentary “Impaler,” filmed last year about Jonathon.
Anyone seeking an interview with Jonathon regarding this press release is asked to call the Impaler For President 2008 at: 732-300-4275.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I Record This Thursday and then...

This Thursday in a NYC area studio I will be recording 3 to 4 songs. We just finished recording the music for it. I never knew recording a CD was so hard.
I will be going to Ohio in the next couple of weeks, to record the first song from my 2nd CD. The reason for my trip to Ohio is, the song Meranda has a female singing part and an accomplished singer and a friend of mine Lekzee ( has gracious accepted my request to sing the female part.
Granted, I had wrote the song for Meranda ( - my vampyre hunter sweetheart, in hopes that she would record it with me, but a sweet Wiccan is a lot safer to record with than a Vampyre Hunter.
The first 3 or 4 songs will be posted on this music page ( ) no later then Friday.
Nel Sangue,
Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey