Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Catholic Inquisition

The Catholic Inquisition

According to the Catholic Church, women are a threat to them. Mainly because they know, Jesus wanted his wife Mary Magdalene to be the head of his Church, upon his death. Many believe Jesus wanted Peter to be the head of his Church. That is furthest from the truth.

The Church also refuses to publicly admit, that Mary Magdalene was not only Jesus’ wife, but the mother of his daughter.

The Malleus Maleficarum, also known as “The Witches Hammer,” instructed the clergy of the Catholic Church how to locate, torture and kill all free thinking women, especially those who were thought to be witches. In three centuries of the Witch Hunts, anywhere from 50,000 to possibly 1,000,000 women were captured, and burned alive at the stake.

This is just more proof of how evil the Catholic Church and Vatican truly is.

This is why, we who are Pagans, Wiccans, Vampyres, Witches, Satanists, and other Kins who are the targets of this Evil Empire, have to unite and eventually destroy the Catholic Church, before they destroy us.

We need to take our place in power in governments around the world, to not only defend our kind, but to defeat the Church, and those who are in power because of the Church and Vatican.

It is the Catholic Church that has repeatedly throughout time, declared war on us. And they will do so, until they are vanquished.

Two weeks ago during an interview with a reporter from Switzerland, I personally declared a "Holy War" on the Catholic Church, as well as the Vatican. I know my Death Dealers will not only protect me, but fight by my side against the Church and Vatican.

I openly admit, I am in love with a girl who is Catholic (also Vampyre by birth). However, I was born a Vampyre and a Hecate Witch. And though she may feel it is proper to allow the Catholic Church and the Vatican to get away with the attacks against our kind, I DON'T!

When the time of battle comes your way, will you be a victim like our ancestors? Or defend your rights to worship your Goddess/God as you want.

Nel Sangue,

Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey

Thursday, July 26, 2007

An Open Letter To The KKK and Other Terrorists

Greetings To All Member Of The KKK and Other Terrorists Organization,

OK, let's just say for a moment you bunch of unrealistic, gutless, demented idiots have your way here in America, and you succeed in eliminating the groups of people you are targeting; Jews, Blacks, Hispanics and everyone who will not conform to your beliefs.

And let's say that you really get your way and you destroy the American way of life, that millions have fought for, and hundredths of thousands have died in defense of, since our Founding Father's established these rights and beliefs during their fight for Independence.

I believe that in your private fantasy world, that you all have created in your little idiot minds, you're living in an Utopian world, where everybody would live in accordance to your will. Not by the rights they have been given. And you will have exterminated those of different beliefs and race.

Well I have news for you all. WAKE UP! Americans are fighter. We unite when we are attacked. Look at what happened after 9-11.

Listen up members of the KKK and others who spread messages of hate and oppression, you're pathetic losers (including the Catholic Church), who will never accomplish your goals.

America is the melting pot of the world. We consist of different ethnic, religious and racial groups. And it will always be that way.

Granted, we have brain dead idiots running this country, especially in The White House. But, we are survivors. We are enduring the mistakes of the present administration.

You bunch of pitiful, idiotic, waste of sperm cells think you will accomplish what no one else has in over 200 years. You're dead wrong.

Back in April Daniel Carver you threaten and harass me over the phone. You called me a NIGGER. You tried to insult my religious beliefs. Yet, the only think that happen, was you realized my Death Dealers were not only real, but true to their name.

I am tired of reading how the KKK are targeting minorities, especially blacks and Hispanics. Of late it seems your targeting Mexicans. Well, if they were born here, they have a right to be here. Deal with it, or leave America.

Maybe try moving to Iraq or Iran, I am sure you'll fit right in with the terrorists there. After all, we have black, Hispanic, Jewish Americans fighting there. You can try attacking them. But, unlike your targets here in America, those soldiers are highly armed. They'd be able to shoot back without fear of prosecution.

When groups like you, attack and say hateful things against minorities, I take it to heart. Two of my children are half-Cuban. Their mother was born and raised in Havana, Cuba. Hence, you are attacking my blood with your statements.

Anyone with the KKK, or any other terrorist group that has a problem with me, I am not hard to find.

In August I'll be in Brunswick, Ohio. If you want, come attack me here. I'll IMPALE you right on the front lawn on City Hall.

During this month of September, I'll be back home in Jersey and then in New York and later in the month Washington, DC. If you show up in DC, I'll IMPALE you right in Front Lawn of The White House and show King George Worthless Bush how to deal with terrorists.

In Jersey, if you want to attack me there, I'll feed you to the sharks.

I am an American by Birth. Romanian Vampyre by Blood. Victory is my birthright. And I will not rest until all groups that spread hatred and oppression are terminated from this world.

Nel Sangue,

Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey

Saturday, July 21, 2007

I Will Impale Pope Benedict XVI

This is a posted press release from a few weeks back.

21 Jun 07

Satanic President Candidate Declares War On The Catholic Church and Promises To Impale Pope Benedict XVI

2008 VWP Party President Candidate Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey today during an interview with ABC News ( declared a "Holy War" on the Catholic Church. Here is what Jonathon stated;

Greetings My Fellow Americans and Media,

Since the beginning of their conception, the Catholic Church has a been nothing more than a source of pure evil and the downfall of many civilizations throughout mankind's history.

They were the main reason behind the witch hunts, and persecution of those of the Pagan and Wiccan beliefs.

They idle allowed Hitler to murder 6 million innocent Jews, without lifting a finger to stop it.

The Catholic Church is suppose to be so powerfully, yet they are the weakest domination in Christianity.

I am an Ordained Satanic Dark Priest, and am extremely proud of being so. When was the last time you hear a Satanic Dark Priest rape an innocent child, like Catholic Priests have done for centuries?

Never. Why? Because Satanic Priests enjoy beautiful women, not little boys.

The Catholic Church for decades has protected their priests, whom have committed illegal acts. Especially involving molesting innocent alter boys.

Though I feel each religion has a Constitutional Right to practice their beliefs, I feel the time has come to end the reign of terror caused by the Catholic Church.

I openly admit, I am presently in love with a very beautiful and special girl who is Catholic. However, through my involvement with her, I have experienced one too many Catholics speaking with a forked tongue. Telling me what would Jesus do involving the treatment of criminals I wish to Impale. Even talking to me about being judgmental, and reminding me of the incident when Jesus told an angry crowd; "he is without sin may cast the first stone."

Then the following day, shows how judgmental and hypocritical they truly are, and turn on someone.

As President, I will immediately order my Death Dealers to close and destroy all Catholic Churches in America. I will outlaw Catholicism. In my eyes, the Catholic Church is no different than the Church of Satan, Nation of Islam, and the KKK.

I will order the execution of every priest and nun in America. Any American found guilty of practicing Catholicism will be executed. Maybe I'll burn them on an Impaling Stake!

The Catholic Church is a cancer upon not only America, but the world as well. They spread false information and mislead people in the their ways of beliefs. Even Christian based Church's condemn the Catholic Church.

Additionally, I will accompany my International Death Dealers (Poland, Germany, UK, Romania, Russia and Australia) and attack the Vatican, then take Pope Benedict XVI prisoner. I will torture, dismember, then Impaled that bitch! He is the head of the Catholic Church, hence he should be responsible for what his priests and nuns are doing.

I will also negotiate with other world leaders to ban Catholicism in their countries as well.

The ever growing cancer upon the world of Catholicism needs to be eradicated. Before anymore innocent people are hurt.

On a political note - I hope you will read my interview with ABC News that will be on their website; this weekend.

On an IMPALING note, I have a new number 1 person to be impaled upon becoming President - IN Air National Guard Master Sergeant Jeffery Hite. He is also Catholic. I plan on using my connections with DOD (Department of Defense) in DC to have him Court Martial, and use other federal agencies I have connections with, to personally and professionally destroy him. Bush is now second on my list! Catholics are now my enemies (except for a few), just like God The Father is.

I will announce my personal Impaling List of people on 13 Aug 07)

I ask that everyone read Chapter 13 (13 is my favorite number) of the Book of Revelations. Remember, I love Dragons and the sea. A reporter from Weird NJ Magazine ( asked me during an interview last week, if I was the Biblical Dragon. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. I am a Servant of Lucifer and the Goddess Hecate. That is all I'll admit to at this time.

Nel Sangue,

Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey

Without a doubt, the Catholic Church and The Vatican are the true source of evil, pain, suffering and the downfall of mankind. The sooner the people of this world united and eliminate the Catholic Church, the better this world will be.

Nel Sangue,

Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey

Friday, July 20, 2007

Greetings Everyone

Greetings In Blood,

I have been quite busy of late. I've been campaigning, and I finally got to see Impaler, the movie documentary done about me last year. and

It is a good documentary. But, if I had a chance to add stuff to it, that was not shown, I would. As well as correct some of the BS lies about me.

I promise to start writing weekly blogs from now on.

Nel Sangue,

Jonathon "The Impaler"